About us…We’re passionate about helping you grow and make an impact.

Learn More About Baldock & Co.


Our tagline ”We Create Businessis what we deliver and promise.  The company was founded on the recognized need of small business owners requiring the latest digital marketing and business development solutions, and strategic direction without the high cost of hiring additional staff or advertising agencies. We have over twenty years of online advertising and marketing experience with a focus on understanding client business goals and generating results.


The idea of helping our clients achieve success is where our passion and focus is rooted from.  At Baldock & Co., we are committed to help our clients take a business idea and see it through to long-term business growth. Our goal is to create long-lasting business partnerships through the process of guiding our clients through the market and watching their growth and ideas unfold.  

Knowledge and Experience:

We have assembled a successful experienced team of digital marketing advisors dedicated to client success. Our “on-demand” award winning advanced digital marketing strategists have worked with some of Edmonton's most notable brands and local business firms. Our objective is to pass on this knowledge and proven experience to help our clients. The advantage of using Baldock & Co. is we have access to additional creative, digital and technical resource support to implement based on the unique needs of our clients. The result is fresh ideas, flexibility, and reduced costs.


The team at Baldock & Co. have certifications in Cyber Security, Google Social Media, Google AI based AdWords strategy, Online video development, and HubSpot CRM and Social Media management. We are continually researching digital marketing tactics and training.

Client Feedback:

“Mike Baldock of Baldock & Co. is a key strategic digital marketing advisor for Courtland Books, and served our clients exceedingly well to help refine their business to higher sustainability and profitability. He is the quintessential professional and a pure gentlemen, and an absolute pleasure to work with.”

Mark brooks, CEO of Courtland Brooks Inc.

“We have known Michael of Baldock & Co. for many years and can confidently recommend him to anyone looking for digital marketing and business development consulting”!

Chad Griffiths of NAI Commercial Real Estate

“Professionalism is the definition of Baldock & Co. I was in need of online sales and marketing support for my business. Baldock & Co. was a referral and all communications about our plan was clear and concise and relevant. I quickly realized Baldock & Co. provided more than expected. The team at Baldock & Co. had a desire to learn and understand my business, and provided clear direction and marketing plans to promote my firm on the Internet ”

Janis Bergan, CEO of Reflexology Edmonton