The Benefits of Using a Consultancy

So why Use a Professional Digital Marketing Consultancy such as Baldock & co.? This is an Important Question. Here are a few benefits.

  • Flexibility - access to digital sales and marketing support only when needed.

  • Scalability - scale and execute the precise resources to reduce overhead costs.

  • Training - reduce training costs and ramp-up time.

  • Strategy Support - insight and access to resources and planning with new ideas.

  • Up to Date - this is important, experienced consultants like us work hard to remain “up to date’ with digital sales and marketing tactics, this knowledge is then passed on to you.

  • Focus - using a consultancy allows you to focus on other important business operational elements.

  • Support - offer direction and support for existing staff…”strengthen the bench” so to speak.


What is Influencer Marketing?


Michael Donovan Senior Advisor for Baldock & Co.