The Drawbacks of Generative AI

Generative AI or “gen AI” is the use of AI to create original content such as text, images, video and audio in response to a user’s request. While it has a wide range of applications such as increasing productivity and enhanced creative elements, there are some drawbacks on using Gen AI. Such as:

  • Out-put data quality and diversity, some data generated may be biased or off brand message.

  • Gen AI can produce a limited variety of content options, thereby assuming whatever is produced is correct and supportive of they overall marketing plan, not always the case.

  • Always in question are the ethical applications of Gen AI produced content, this must be always kept in check.

  • Data Mis - interpretation - where content created may seem applicable for the overall business model, however careful data review is important as brand messaging can be presented as incorrect.

    Always when implementing Gen AI as part of you marketing content and creative process, don’t let the technology overpower what your primary brand and business goals are. Be critical of AI generated content and insure the material aligns with your unique business brand and goals.


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